TDC provides custom single / dual tuned coils for human head studies. We develop these for 1.5 Tesla and up, including Transmit-Receive setups and Multi-nuclei solutions in one coil. Our coils combine RF expertise with usability engineering, providing you with cutting edge technology which is both comfortable and easy to use.
Technical specifications:
- supported MR system manufacturers: GE, Philips, Siemens
- For 1.5T, 3T and 7T
- Receive or Transmit-Receive
- nuclei: 1H, 2H, 31P, 23Na, 13C, 19F and other – single or dual tuned
- sliding mounting mechanism for patient access
- No medical device. For research purposes or pre-production / OEM development.
TDC head coil – isometric front view TDC head coil – isometric back view TDC head coil – side view TDC head coil – front view TDC head coil – back view TDC head coil – top view
Sliding mechanism TDC head coil Sliding mechanism TDC head coil 1H imaging TDC head coil Preliminary results research MN Head Coil Flexible Coils (Head / Neck)
Want to know more?
Contact us at info@tesladc.nl or (+31) 418 74 00 60